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Pregnancy Month by Month

Pregnancy Month by Month

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Welcome to a whole new and beautiful phase of your life. Following your baby’s growth and your body’s changes month by month will be an incredible adventure.

Although every pregnancy and baby is unique, babies generally grow and develop in a predictable pattern. In the first few months of pregnancy, most babies are all approximately the same size. During the later months babies grow between a range of different sizes.

There are many aspects of your life that will change dramatically thanks to the little miracle growing inside you. Learning what to expect each month may help you to feel more in control and connected with your baby.

In this section, discover changes that you and your baby will go through each month. Here is a quick snapshot into the next nine months of your life:

1 Month Pregnant

It might sound strange but during the first two weeks of pregnancy you’re not even technically pregnant. By the end of the month though, a tiny embryo will be growing inside you.

2 Months Pregnant

This is a critical month for your baby’s development. Its limbs and major organs are forming so it’s important to be extra careful. Avoid alcohol, smoking and exposure to harmful drugs, viruses, or bacteria that could impair the healthy development of your baby. You may start to experience excessive tiredness this month. Your baby is using up lots of your energy to grow.

3 Months Pregnant

You are nearing the end of your first trimester. Now is a common time for women to announce their little surprise to the world. However, if you’re not ready, try not to feel pressured to divulge your little secret just yet..

4 Months Pregnant

Your baby is making big progress this month. Their little face is now fully formed and their newest trick is experimenting with different facial expressions. They will start to move their tiny limbs around this month as well. Unless you’ve been pregnant before it’s unlikely that you’ll feel any kicking just yet.

5 Months Pregnant

You’ve made it to half way through your pregnancy! Most importantly this month, look after yourself. With your little one starting to make their presence known it’s a good idea to rest up!

6 Months Pregnant

At this stage of pregnancy, your little one is getting cleverer by the day. Their brain is developing rapidly with thousands of brain cells forming every minute.

7 Months Pregnant

You’ve made it into your third trimester! Congratulations. Your baby will start to pack on the kilograms from now until their birth. Weighing at about one and a half kilograms, your baby’s fat stores will be protecting their major body systems and organs.

8 Months Pregnant

Your body and your baby will start to prepare for labour. You can expect some Braxton Hicks contractions and maybe some lingering lower back and hip pain. However, you’ll be glad to hear that typically, a pregnant mother’s weight gain generally slows down at stage.

9 Months Pregnant

You’re almost there. You might even be at your due date already. If not, your baby could be here any minute so do your best to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the big day.

Have more questions on pregnancy? Join a support group (if you have not done so!). Motherhood represents a completely new phase in your life, so you want to find a community of new mothers who can journey together with you. Pregnancy tips, parenting tips, free diaper samples and exclusive diaper offers shared on the Huggies Club platform can ensure you are best prepared for your newborn child too.


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